Republicans have had a Major Positive Impact on the Environment
There is a misconception that conservatives have little interest in the health of our planet. And that stewardship and love of nature are a domain almost exclusively occupied by liberals and progressives. Also, that one cannot truly be concerned with both the economy and the environment, forcing you to be in one camp or the other.
A Brief History of Environmentalism
The Environmental Movement started in the 1800’s, condemning the idea of competition between humans and nature, and the exploitation of natural resources impacting our wilderness and wildlife. It is A POLITICAL and ETHICAL movement that seeks to improve and protect the quality of the natural environment through changes in human behavior.
The Environmental Movement has its roots in the late 19th Century in the activities of John Muir who explored the wilderness of the American West, raising awareness and marshalling support for its preservation.
Two schools of thought emerged from the environmental movement.
Human Centered group -view nature as a resource to be managed or exploited purely for human purposes, more popular among commercial interests.
Nature Centered group – feel nature has an intrinsic moral value that does not depend on its usefulness to human beings, more common among conservationists and became the dominant school of thought on restoring planetary health.
Many proven methods of restoration and preservation were developed, and legislation was passed (Clean Air and Clean Water Acts) that we continue to rely upon today to rebuild habitat, expand biodiversity, and reduce toxic pollution. Methods which align our efforts with natural processes are called “Natural Climate Solutions” and are promoted as essential by various organizations including the Nature Conservancy, the Audubon Society, and the Sierra Club.
Recently the concept of Climate Change has transcended the terms Environment or Ecology in encapsulating the issue of human impact on Earth’s planetary health. Those promoting the Climate Change Agenda refer to anyone who does not completely agree with them as “deniers”. When in fact there is much that we agree on.
To find effective solutions to the environmental problems we face, we must be able to agree on certain SCIENTIFICALLY MEASURABLE FACTS on which to base our activities. Polling throughout the years has shown that most people share common beliefs about climate change. (Yale/George Mason University)
Common Beliefs and Common Goals
Climate Change continues to occur since the beginning of the Earth’s Existence
In Recent Years Global Temperature and CO2 are Rising
Human Activities Contribute to Global CO2 Emissions
Human Activities contributed to the Degrading of Ecosystems and the loss of Biodiversity
All demographic groups agree Urgent Action is Required and they
Share Common Goals:
Reduce Deforestation and Destruction of Natural Systems
Restore Planetary Health and Biodiversity
Maintain a Cheap, Reliable, Efficient Energy Infrastructure
Protect and Promote Human Health and Welfare
The controversy surrounding the topic of Climate Change centers on deciding on the best solution to solving the impact of humans on the earth (Anthropocene).
Controversy of Solutions
CO2 Capture Reforestation
Solar and Wind LNG and Nuclear
Mandate EV’s & “Renewables” Energy Efficiency
Lock Up Forests Forest Management
Ban Fertilizers Regenerative Farming
Ban Livestock Capture Methane
The Human Centered approach demands the complete eradication of fossil fuel technology and aggressively deploying emerging industries and technology into the marketplace.
The Nature Centered approach acknowledges that, although fossil fuels are critically important to our way of life, we all must be more careful in how we use them so that we maximize their benefits and minimize their negative impacts. They wish to optimize the efficiency and resiliency of our energy infrastructure and pursue proven nature-based solutions.
Republican Environmentalism
The groundbreaking advances in environmental conservation and protection by Republican administrations are responsible for much of the beauty of our public lands and the quality and safety of our air and water resources. The republican strategy of resolute environmentalism while promoting economic growth and stability has been arguably the most consequential to maintaining the stability of natural systems and assuring future generations of a healthy, stable planet. Republican administrations emerge as the principal forces focused on deploying practical and proven solutions with success in protecting all people against the forces of Climate Change.
In 1862 when 90% of Americans were farmers, Abraham Lincoln established the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) which continues to have a major impact on our environment.
He authorized the establishment of the National Academy of Sciences, signed conservation bills that protected the Yosemite Valley, and set the foundation for the National Park Service.
Teddy Roosevelt’s lifelong love of nature and impassioned efforts to preserve and restore natural spaces were revolutionary and groundbreaking. In 1897 he was instrumental in forming The Davey Crockett and Daniel Boone Club dedicated to the preservation of wildlife which was instrumental in spinning off many familiar environmental groups including the National Wildlife Federation, the National Audubon Society, and Ducks Unlimited which continue to be active around the world.
Teddy Roosevelt established the National Forest Service in 1905 and signed the 1906 Antiquities Act, which has been used extensively by many presidents over the ensuing years to protect millions of acres of pristine wilderness on land and sea.
Teddy Roosevelts energy and passion for the preservation of wildlife and wild spaces were likely the greatest contribution by any individual – to restoring and preserving the environment.
As president of the United States Roosevelt designated:
· 151 national forests
· 51 federal bird reservations
· 5 national parks
· 18 national monuments
· 4 national game preserves
· 21 reclamation projects
All told, he created 230 million acres of federally protected land. For a little perspective, that’s all the East coast states combined, from Maine to Florida. ( July 22,2024)
In 1970, Richard Nixon signed the Clean Air Act and created the Environmental Protection Agency. Throughout the remainder of his term, he oversaw the passage off the Coastal Zone Management Act, Ocean Dumping Act, Marine Mammal Protection Act, Federal Insecticide Act, Fungicide Act, Rodenticide Act, Toxic Substances Control Act, the Endangered Species Act, and the Safe Water Act. The EPA banned DDT, lead paint, and introduced unleaded gasoline.
During the Clinton Administration an agreement was signed with China to cooperate in promoting sustainable processes and to address climate change. Clinton used the Antiquities act to protect 4.6 million acres of wilderness.
At the end of the GW Bush Administration in 2009, naturally occurring Greenhouse Gases including carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, and sulfur hexafluoride, were declared pollutants by the EPA. Not because of any direct harmful effects on humans but based on the belief that their increasing concentrations would contribute to climate change.
During the Obama Administration the emphasis on Green Energy and Climate Change replaced Practical Environmentalism through expansion of administrative agencies. After the financial crisis he signed the Recovery Act in 2009 which allocated $90 Billion dollars in subsidies for green energy projects and established tax credits for home energy improvements and electric cars.
“The president’s (Obama) legacy on climate change lies in his success in making climate change a central policy obligation, getting millions of Americans to care about it, bringing along industry and other stakeholders, and tackling the problem in the face of withering opposition from Congress.” (Carol M. Browner, EPA Chief)
Whether Obama wins praise for his “environmental” record is influenced by whether the person judging believes in the Climate Change narrative. “He brokered a deal with China to cut emissions from that country, which is critical to the success of a worldwide agreement expected to emerge in Paris this year.” (Kenneth Kimmel, president of the Union of Concerned Scientists)
The Obama Administration changed the narrative on judging beneficial planetary stewardship from the accomplishments of Traditional (Pragmatic) Environmentalism to the promises of a New “Green” Climate Change Industrial Complex. From verifiable, observable, measurable accomplishments to the possibilities of averting a possible and historically unique, future calamity. Discrete measurable impacts on improving current planetary health and resilience have not clearly been identified.
The historic foundational legislation implemented by Republican presidents has been supported and used by virtually all administrations over the decades since their passage to expand their environmental impact.
We need to aggressively establish the most effective strategy to reduce global CO2 and re-enforce the most important economic actions that will continue to save billions of lives around the world. A strong US economy will ensure that we can push initiatives to improve resiliency against Climate Change and encourage economic growth in emerging economies. Assuring the most vulnerable poor, indigent people the promise of a better future for their children.
Stay tuned for Part 2: The Controversy of Solutions